Thursday, December 19, 2019

Korda Essay - 795 Words

The history of Spanish culture and their historic events have been captured through art for centuries. Photography is one form of art that has documented and symbolized historic events that are still used today as historical documents. A Cuban photographer, Alberto Diaz Gutierrez, also known as Alberto Korda, famously documented the events of the Cuban Revolution. Alberto Korda became the world’s most famous Cuban photographer for his photography, documenting history of the revolution with over 55,000 revolutionary themed photographs. Korda was born in Havana Cuba in 1928. He taught himself about photography with his father’s camera, leading to capturing some of the world’s most famous photographs known today. Korda’s career began†¦show more content†¦From then on, Korda became Castro’s personal photographer; following Castro wherever the revolution took him Korda went, traveling throughout Cuba and overseas. On an assignment after the guerrillas defeated dictator Fulgencia Batista, Korda encountered such extreme poverty that changed his life, transforming himself to become a part of the revolutionary cause. Korda said, â€Å"Nearing 30, I was heading toward a frivolous life when an exceptional event transformed my life: The Cuban Revolution. It was at this time that I took this photo of a little girl, who was clutching a piece of wood for a doll. I came to understand that it was worth dedicating my work to a revolution which aimed to remove these inequalities.† The photograph was named La Nina de la Muneca de Palo. One of the images that Korda captured of the leaders involved was of Fidel and Nikita Khrushchev, illustrating the differences in each of them that were obvious in their individual politics. He continued to follow the new Cuban leaders wherever the revolution took them, Korda followed. Fidel returned to Sierra Maestra, in 1959, where the attacks of Fulgencio Batista regime began. Korda would always get himself in front of the uprisings Fidel was leading in order to get the photographs he wanted. Whenever Korda was return home, he would develop the documentary images and giveShow MoreRelatedCase Analysis : Korda V Australian Executor Trustees ( Sa ) Ltd1499 Words   |  6 PagesINTRODUCTION In Korda v Australian Executor Trustees (SA) Ltd , the High Court unanimously allowed an appeal and overturned the Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal decision finding that the proceeds of a forestry investment scheme were not subject to an express trust for the investors by the operators of the scheme. BACKGROUND SEAS Sapfor Forests Pty Ltd (â€Å"the Forest Company†) acquired, developed and managed timber plantations. The trees were felled, milled, marketed and sold by SEAS Sapfor HarvestingRead MoreRobert E. Lee s Life2092 Words   |  9 PagesLegend of Robert E. 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