Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Society (Immigration) U.S Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Society (Immigration) U.S - Movie Review Example Avalon’s journey begins with a polish-Jewish family, laced up with strong family ties and attachment for almost every reason like love, respect, care and integrity. (Gustafson, 2004) Krachinsky’s clan moved to America and settled in Baltimore in 1914 with hopes and spirit to earn pleasure and harmony, wanted to experience the wonders of America and it limitless possibilities but unfortunately they faced unpleasant changes in their strong family network and no longer remained compassionate about their deep traditional roots. They multiplied into generations and got success in their financial statuses but faced some heartbreaking problems when their 2nd and 3rd generation moved away from family bounding and pursued for American ideology. Krachinsky brought along their fine cultural, traditional and religious values which were later eroded by the strong social forces and were replaced by the modernize American Culture. (Paul Haspel, 2008) The story revolves around three ma in changes that the family suffered through, firstly when the family started moving to suburbs, Secondly Levinson emphasized on the get together with the extended families on special days like thanksgiving or church days, was no longer practiced or enjoyed together on a long dinner table in fact, gradually shrunk to small tables after the arrival of television, Third and the main point was that the succeeding generation started replacing their family names. The youth was driven slowly and gradually into cultural assimilation where they forgot their roots and traditional practices and ran for the charisma that the American Society carries. The limelight of fast pace American life has always attracted people regardless of their beliefs. This is what impressed Sam when he first stepped in America and saw the biggest and brightest celebrations and he realized that he made the right decision. Later he was proven wrong when he experienced the harsh attitudes from his own son and his wife. Levinson has brilliantly pictured the generation gap with all its components like adaptation of new technological advancements, upgrading lifestyles by moving to suburbs and doing a white collar jobs, replacement of their own sir names and keeping American names. (Haspel, 2008) The detoriation of cultural heritage effected and poisoned Sam gradually and ultimately when he finally saw his grandson visiting him in old home. It is about all immigrants who face such issues like language difference, religious difference and on the whole color differences. Whatever the picture, media and Hollywood presents, the problems that immigrants from all around the world face remains there but they have no direct way to popularize it therefore the world accept the picture which is neatly painted by the American media that how immigrants have successfully accomplished in America, ignoring the fact that they have sacrificed their precious norms in terms of their moral, religious and cultural values to get this materialistic improvement in life. There is no doubt that American land is charismatic, full of glitz and glam but at the same time it heavily lacks family life and discipline of human life which can never lose its essence no matter how much we progress and achieve in our life. Levinson developed an awesome piece with a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Argument Analysis of the Issue of Euthanasia Essay Example for Free

Argument Analysis of the Issue of Euthanasia Essay 1.If a right creates a net benefit to society and is not morally incorrect, then it should be made legal. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 2.Voluntary euthanasia refers to a doctors right to kill a terminally ill patient to his/her request. (IM; Oracle: definition from 3.If voluntary euthanasia is not a moral transgression and euthanasia creates a net benefit on society, then present legal prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. (LI from 1,2) 4.It is considered a moral duty to kill a pet that is suffering due to incurable illness. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 5.If it is a moral duty to relieve a suffering pet with incurable illness from its suffering by killing it, performing euthanasia on willing humans that are terminally ill cannot be a moral transgression. (IM; Oracle: tacit knowledge) 6.Performing euthanasia on willing humans that are terminally ill is not a moral transgression. (LI from 4,5) 7.Terminally ill patients use scarce medical resources. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 8.Euthanasia would increase the number of terminally ill patients that would willingly die. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 9.Patients stop using medical resources once they die. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 10.Euthanasia would create an increase in scarce medical resources not used by terminally ill patients. (LI from 7,8,9) 11.Other patients will use the scarce medical resources that are not being used by terminally ill patients. (IM; Oracle: Tacit Knowledge) 12.Euthanasia would thus create an increase in scarce medical resources that will be used by patients that are not terminally ill. (LI from 10,11) 13.Patients that are not terminally ill benefit from medical resources more than terminally ill patients. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 14.Scarce resources cause the largest benefit to society when used by those people that can benefit most from them. (IM; Oracle: Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics) 15.Euthanasia would create a net benefit to society because of its allocation of scarce medical resources. (LI from 12,13,14) 16.Present legal prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. (UC and LI from 3,6,15) Argument Evaluation of Original Argument Euthanasia is sure to become an issue of increasing importance as our population ages and the leading  causes of death become long term debilitating illness rather than accidents or infectious disease. Too often the debate is clouded by emotion and irrational thought. However, turning ones attention to the following points may serve to clarify the situation. The first few sentences in the speakers argument serve as an introduction to the topic. The first to statements establish the importance of the issue. While these two sentences are no directly part of the argument, the speaker has already made an error. The speaker states that the leading  causes of death become long term debilitating illness rather than accidents  or infectious disease, however the leading cause of death is already a long term debilitating illness (namely cardiovascular disease). This of course suggests that the speaker has unreliable information and will make his/her argument less trustworthy. The remaining to sentences serve to exclude any irrational topics from being introduced into the argument criticism. This is a very wise move strategically since it is indeed true that many times this subject is clouded by speak of God and prejudice against elderly. While the speaker attempts to avoid discussing such issues, he/she does mention morality. We consider it a duty, not a moral transgression, to end the life of a suffering pet. Why do we balk at providing the same service to willing humans? The speaker tries to establish that moral transgression is not in question so that it is not brought up in an argument criticism. A pet cannot request euthanasia. A pets owner will have the pet killed if the pet has an incurable illness which will cause unbearable suffering. Humans on the other hand can request euthanasia. If they cannot request euthanasia their surrogate can. Thus we must speak of voluntary euthanasia when concerning humans. The speaker is making a link between the morality of performing euthanasia on pets and the morality of performing euthanasia on humans. This link, represented in statement 3, is an opinion about what is moral and thus cannot be verified with a strong source. Nonetheless, it is a valid stance on morality and the speaker chose to use this link in his/her argument Is it not crueler to condemn these individuals to weeks, perhaps even months, of suffering? I did not include this statement in my argument reconstruction since I believe it is very weak and is a point that will be criticized greatly. No patient is being condemned to suffering. I will return to this subject in my own argument Besides, it is a greater injustice to squander precious medical resources on  the terminally ill when so many others, particularly infants, could benefit from them instead; and frequently this is the only alternative to euthanasia. This argument is actually quite weak. Rarely are medical treatments rival. One persons use of a treatment usually does not affect the use of others. In the case where the medical resources are indeed rival, (eg. organs etc) the speaker himself/herself says that frequently the younger patients or those that will benefit most from the treatment are given the scarce medical resources. The argument about scarce medical resources can be used, however the speaker should not mention: frequently this is the only alternative to euthanasia. When these points are considered, it becomes clear that the present legal prohibitions against euthanasia ought to be lifted. This statement is the speakers ultimate conclusion. It is not necessary to reestablish the validity of the argument with the statement it becomes clear that. Furthermore, the preposition when these points are considered should be excluded from the sentence as it allows us to suspect that there are other points that should be considered. In terms of strategic excellence, the argument should only contain information relevant to the inquirers inquiry. No information that does not aid in reaching the ultimate conclusion should be present unless absolutely necessary. Lastly, there are many kinds of euthanasia. The speaker must specify that he/she is considering one specific meaning. Voluntary euthanasia refers to the killing of a patient that gives consent to be killed. There are problems with determining what is really voluntary. We must assume that the patient is capable of requesting euthanasia. Otherwise, the patients surrogate must request euthanasia. The doctor cannot decide alone that a patient should be killed. Many times however (according to statistics from Holland where euthanasia is currently legal) a doctor may take his/her own initiative and then lie about the cause of the patients death, attributing death to natural causes. For the purposes of argument, let us assume that voluntary euthanasia will be practiced correctly and assess whether the prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. General Evaluation: As is evident from my argument reconstruction, the inquirers written argument lacks many links. Most importantly the inquirer fails to establish that his/her conclusion is based on a conjunction of two different claims (actually three, but I excluded the claim that patients are being condemned to suffering for informative correctness purposes). It is extremely important to establish what statements the conclusion is based on. Another major error is the use of wrong information. While the wrong information is not necessary for the establishment of the inquirers conclusion, the inquirer still suggests unreliability with his first two introductory statements. Furthermore, the inquirer included the claim that patients are being condemned to suffering. I excluded this statement completely as it is incorrect. I will discuss this subject in my own argument. Lastly, the argument is not set up in an organized manner. The lines of thought are not linear. Rather, the inquirer proceeds in multiple directions failing to relate his conclusion to each point put forth. The inquirer states that his conclusion is clear even though he/she actual failed to show the relation between the left side moves and the conclusion by not establishing that the conclusion is based on a conjunction of two different claims. The inquirer is usually definitorily correct. Occasionally, he/she makes errors. For example, the inquirer fails to define what is meant by euthanasia. It is a simple matter of vocabulary, yet the intended definition of the word can change the argument in many ways. There are many criticisms of euthanasia related to involuntary euthanasia. The inquirer should avoid these by specifying he/she is considering only voluntary euthanasia. The inquirer portrays some wise strategic moves in his/her first few statements. The inquirer first establishes the importance of the subject by implying that as the population mortality age increases more and more patients will be considering euthanasia. While this was a wise strategic move, I did not include it as it was not necessary to establish the conclusions validity. This statement simply served as an introduction to a written argument. The inquirer also attempts to avoid any criticism related  to irrational concepts (such as God) by stating that these ideas simply cloud the subject. This was also a wise strategic move. As discussed previously, the manner in which the ultimate conclusion is stated is quite weak. It is unnecessary to draw attention to the possibility of other points being relevant to the subject. In fact, this provokes the reader to search for other subjects that have not been considered and will contradict the inquirers conclusion. He/she also uses a danger signal in the ultimate conclusion. The inquirer says it should be clear that, however the inquirer never establishes the relation between the mentioned points and the ultimate conclusion. This phrase suggests that the inquirer may actually draw no connection at all. Lastly, the argument is valid. Rectifying some mistakes and adding some moves that were assumed obvious the table now does close and there are no other open paths. Thus the argument is complete and the conclusion true, assuming all IMs and LIs are truth preserving. My Argument A right that is not necessary (has no use) and can lead to tremendous abuse, exploitation and erosion of care for the most vulnerable people among us should not be legalized. As can be seen from statistics from countries that have made voluntary euthanasia legal, there are many complications related to the right not being implemented efficiently. Many doctors may take advantage of the right, many euthanasias are performed on people who did not even request euthanasia with reasons such as It was too much of a burden for the family or the patients illness was terminal. Evidently, it is not so clear what voluntary or terminal mean, and depending on the doctors judgment the same patient may be treated differently. Furthermore, doctors can suggest euthanasia to patients that have not even considered it. The psychological stress on a suffering patient is so great that they may be easily influenced by doctors or family members to request the procedure. Laws against  euthanasia are in place to prevent abuse and to protect people from unscrupulous doctors and others. Secondly, there is no use to the right. Prohibitions against euthanasia are not intended to make patients suffer. No one is being condemned to suffering. If a patient is capable of requesting euthanasia they are also capable of committing suicide. People do have the power to commit suicide. If the patient does not have the means to commit suicide, a prescription of lethal drugs may be given to the patients but this is no longer considered euthanasia, but rather assisted suicide (which I am in favor of even though for moral reasons I personally disagree with suicide). Euthanasia refers to the killing of the patient directly by the doctor (either by lethal injection or by removal from necessary medical treatment). The need for assisted suicide is a completely different subject and should not be introduced into an argument about euthanasia. If the patient is not capable of requesting euthanasia then a court of law will allocate a surrogate to that patient which can make decisions for th e patient. If the patient is not capable of requesting euthanasia then the patient may not be able to commit suicide without assistance. But if the patient is in such a condition, they must be in vital need of medical treatment (either machines or drugs). A lot of people think that euthanasia is needed so patients wont be forced to remain alive by being hooked up to machines. But the law already permits patients or their surrogates to withhold or withdraw unwanted medical treatment even if that increases the likelihood that the patient will die. Thus, no one needs to be hooked up to machines against their will. Neither the law nor medical ethics requires that everything be done to keep a person alive. Insistence, against the patients wishes, that death be postponed by every means available is contrary to law and practice and is also cruel and inhumane. Thus even a patient that cannot commit suicide can kill himself/herself by removal from treatment. Euthanasia is not necessary and can lead to tremendous abuse, exploitation and erosion of care for the most vulnerable people among us. Prohibitions against euthanasia should not be lifted. (Assisted suicide is when someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life. When a doctor helps another person to kill themselves it is called physician assisted suicide. In my opinion, physician assisted suicide should be allowed as long as it is merely assistance and is practiced lawfully. Measures should be taken to ensure it is practiced lawfully. Each doctor should be forced to send in a consent form to some organization first. The consent form should contain the patients or the surrogates signature (if the patient is incapable of signing or requesting). In this way there will be less abuse of the right.)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

What is a technical language :: essays research papers

What is technical language? Scientists have tried to come up with a definition since the beginning of the 18th century, therefore many interpretations have been made. They started to discuss terms and vocabularies in order to define technical language. A couple of years later they emphasized the importance of text and nowadays they are talking about text from a communication aspect. The Anglo-Saxon society regarded a language to be a system, therefore they found little interest in technical language. This is one of the reasons why technical language often has remained scattered. However, this was not the case within the School of Prague. They found socio linguistics as well as technical language very interesting. The School of Prague used a horizontal dimension to describe the classification of technical language areas. A vertical dimension was used to describe the different layers of usage. The third dimension was based on expressions and communication, oral as well as written. The dimension dealing with communication is frequently used to find out whether a text should be classified as technical language or not. The result can be seen as a cube. A negative aspect when studying this model is that it can easily be misunderstood. When a sender and a receiver are experts in the subject discussed, they will probably use technical language. On the other hand, they might have different knowledge and it is possible that they will discuss new information. The main idea is that they have the possibility to use the established technical language. Nevertheless, it is almost impossible to separate strict technical language from colloquial language. A scale has been made to classify the different levels of technical language in the area of geography. We are clearly dealing with technical language when the sender and the receiver have the same knowledge about a specific subject e.g. communication between geographers. The next level is when the sender has to introduce the subject to the receiver e.g. when a geographer communicates with a student. And the final level is when the sender has to explain everything to the receiver e.g. when a geographer communicates with an amateur. Text type, a sort of style pattern, is a term that can be found in technical language. A textbook is one example. Technolects are found in heavy scientific material for example reports whereas text types occur in less complicated compositions such as business letters.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Encountering Conflict Essay

Conflict, whether we choose to admit it, is a part of life. Conflict may be sparse in a persons life, and most of which is over trivial things, but when faced with a conflict great enough, the very fibre of a persons being is tested, and how they react proves what kind of person they are. This testing only occurs when one is taken far from their comfort zones, and is such often difficult to see. This is not the case in regards to those involved in the witch trials of Salem in 1692. As one of the many who were prosecuted during the Witch Trials, John Proctor, born March 30, 1632, faced something that changed changed his life in a rather drastic way. Proctor thought of himself as a man of honesty and integrity and one who pursued the truth and did little to hide it in any way. His nature was perceived in both good and bad light, often being too critical. Regardless of his nature, he was tried unjustly on false claims made by Abigail Williams. During these trials he was accused of witchcraft, was convicted and brought to prison. Weeks after his arrest, he was bidden to confess to witchcraft and to sign a document to prove it. After signing the document, Proctor wanted to keep the document from being nailed above the door of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. He did this to not tarnish his name, and that of his family’s, any more than he must. This resistance took great courage, knowing what would come as a result of his actions, that being the taking of his life. Sombre as this may be, an amount of good had come of this, Proctor had ultimately proved that he was the man that he thought he was, a man of justice, pride and ultimately honest man. Another man who was prosecuted as a result of these trials based on false accusation and meeting a similar fate to Proctor was Giles Corey.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

White body, wheels shining, dust flying

White body, wheels shining, dust flying. This is how it began. Sam Blake's new top of the range saloon pulls into Lunpona, he can see it now, tall factories, noisy equipment and more money then he dared think of. Only something stood in his way, the people of this dirty, foul, black tribe village. Far removed from his civilized western world these people lived in near squalor. He thought back to his wife and children in their palatial manor house on the outskirts of the city, if he could get this over with quick enough he would be back there inside a week. This was ingenious; instead of importing the wood for his highly successful furniture business he would ‘harvest' natures already plentiful supply. His aim was to speak to the village elder or some such person, he wasn't all too familiar with this bizarre black man hierarchy obsession. He wanted these village people to become his employees – they would do his dirty work, dirty work for these dirty black bastards, they would cut down the trees, prime them, sort them, and ship them to him, and all for a pittance, it couldn't fail. There was a crowd already waiting they'd seen him across the plane some time ago. He stepped out of his car, his brand new, shoes messing themselves in the mud that was the yet to be converted base for his idea. He took a cigar from his holder, his movements smooth and graceful. A host of small children had already gathered by his car, inspecting every nook. A tall, old man, with a wizened face, and mysterious eyes approached, before he could speak, Sam launched into his much practiced speech; â€Å"Sam Blake, of Blake and Associate.† He says gruffly. â€Å"Welcome to Lunpona mate,† said the Aboriginal, â€Å"what business brings ya here Sam?† â€Å"Very important business, business that could make a village like yours quite rich. Providing you don't mind a bit of change.† â€Å"Yeah? That so is it bud?† The old mans eyes gaze over Sam, probing him, seeing into him. The chief turns and says something in his native tongue, the crowd parts and goes back to their business. Sam is led into a humpy (shack like building) at the head of the village. As they pass through the village, they walk over a rickety old wooden bridge. Bright roughly drawn, markings adorn it, it seems steeped in spiritual history. Sam is offered a seat, they sit down to talk, an open fire to their right blazes away, some form of native coffee or some such drink is brought by a good looking aboriginal girl, tall and slender, deep black eyes, full lips, and a mat of thick, black, long hair. Blackness forms a harmony of beauty. They talk solidly for a couple of hours, until Basra (the chief) rose. â€Å"Wait here.† He said as he turned and walked out. Soon he returned, the look on his face said it all. â€Å"I'm sorry Mr. Blake, my people, they do not see sense in your deal.† â€Å"What! You must be kidding me you stupid old black prick! You go and tell them again. This will go ahead whether they like it or not. You idiotic wogs should learn some sense† â€Å"How dare you? Get out of my bloody village now, you ignorant bastard!† With this Sam pulled out his gun, he always brought it with him when he came to places like this, he never did trust these types of people. Before he could think in his enraged state, he pointed the gun straight to the man's chest and loosed a bullet. With a deafening noise the bullet left the gun, and hit the man in the right side of his chest, he was knocked to the ground. As he struggled for breath, he spoke these words that cut through Sam like a razor blade; â€Å"You do not realize the full impact of your actions, ignorant white men such as you are careless and have no regard. A curse upon you and your operations after my death. Be gone with you.† With this his eyes closed and he drew his terminal breath. Sam's rage turned to perfect fear. By now people were arriving from all over the village, he ran. He ran faster then he had ever before, he could feel something pursuing him, not human, not physical. He ran to his car, and fled. On his way back he was shaken, scared, and tired. He stopped off at a hotel, and booked in for the night. Too tired to go for a drink he went straight to bed. All night he tossed and turned, his dreams were plagued by visions of woodarchis. Visions of his own death. He didn't get much sleep that night, tossing, turning, waking every hour or so. In the morning he woke up, washed, and decided to go for his breakfast. As he slipped on his shoe, the mud was still there, clinging, a reminder of the brutality. He took his other shoe in his hands, n tried in vein to brush off the mud. It was useless, something told him he wasn't going to forget this. Just as he was about to put his shoe on he heard the last words of Basra, the curse. All of a sudden he felt a pang on pain in his foot, he'd been bitten, he looked down, it was a black widow spider, she crawled from his shoe and up his trouser leg, twice more inflicting her deadly poison. He knew that a bite from such a spider was fatal, but three in quick succession would have you dead inside 20 minutes. Thoughts rushed through his head, where was he? The nearest hospital was 60km away at best, unless the hotel had any antidotes he was in trouble. After get over the initial pain he tried to get up and walk. But he couldn't his leg was swelling and the pain immense. He reached for his phone, and as he dialed the battery failed on him. He could hear the curse again, as if carried on the wind. He cried out for help in desperation. But nobody came. He was slipping in and out of consciousness. He looked at his watch, it was 45 minutes since he'd been bitten. He slipped out of consciousness for the last time. As if by some supernatural force the old mans voice echoed through his head; â€Å"Samuel Blake,† it said, â€Å"you are suffering, not vengeance for my death alone, oh no, but for all the of the wrongs white man has done black man. Your corporate enterprises, and your money-making schemes don't belong in the bush. Keep them to your cities. Have your suburbia and be happy. You keep your ‘civilized' lives, and we'll keep out ancestral traditions. May you learn a lesson with your life.† With this he passed. A lesson indeed learnt. And financed by his own life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Perception †An analytic comparison of Corn and Berger

Perception – An analytic comparison of Corn and Berger Free Online Research Papers Perception is the single most important thing that differentiates us from everyone else in the world. Every living being has a unique mental ability and this ability leads to their perception of things. One of life’s facets where it plays an important role is art. It is often times debated whether the perception of a piece of art should in fact be left up to an observer or should be left top an artist. This has been a heated topic of discussion for art critics like Corn and Berger, Berger believing that lack of perception defies the basis of art itself, and Corn being under the impression that the wrong perception could be detrimental to the work. The topic in fact has been more of a debate between the critiques rather than the artists’ themselves. The two art historians which will be discussed in the following paragraphs are Wanda.M.Corn and John Berger. The essay will be a comparative analysis of their respective articles â€Å"The birth of a national icon† and â€Å"The changing view of a man in a portrait.† John Berger’s article â€Å"The changing view of a man in a portrait† was a critical comparison of the historic art of portraiture and the developing art of photography. He described how portraits were basically a measure of a person’s social significance through out history and did not provide an insight into the personality as believed by most. Photographs, according to Berger are accurate and accessible, and portraits were reserved to the elite. Portraits do in fact present a sense of unity and were less arbitrary. However they only showed one viewpoint. Overall, he claims that portraits lack individuality that is important for a renewal of it’s credibility in the modern world of art. His analysis is a clear example of the comparison he based most of his works on-modern against ancient art. Although commonly known as a novelist and an art historian, Berger, was an artist himself, in both his ways and his teachings. He attended the London School of Art as well as the Chelsea School of Art in London, becoming an art critic while teaching drawing later. His rigid views about modern art led to his controversial persona that became more imminent with his exceedingly Marxist views and criticism of the government. Being very critical of even his home town, London, he stated, â€Å"London is a teenager, an urchin, and, in this, hasnt changed since the time of Dickens.† His artistic romanticism caused him to go into a voluntary exile to small city in France, where he is spending his life right now. Ironically enough, this is a testimony of the importance he gives to the artists’ perspective. Even if the object is real life the artist can adopt it to his ideal and it will be apparent in the final piece, to everyone, and not just the artist himself. For instant, if the artist was painting a portrait which would be preserved as a piece of historic art-he would be sure to paint the figure as a grand and enigmatic one. Portraits of people like Voltaire, Kaiser Ferdinand and Christopher Columbus would have to make so that they looked powerful and majestic- a blatantly real portrayal maybe would have not been as impressive and imposing. Thus if we view these portraits, our opinion will be based on something that is already opinionated-hence making ours a secondary opinion, not to mention a not too precise one. On the other hand, photographs might be able to make something seem like it isn’t through differences in lights and pictures captured in abrupt moments, but they s till offer a better perspective. They leave more up to an observer than a portrait does. Corn, however, would disagree. That is exactly what she talks about in her essay â€Å"The birth of a national icon†. It is an analysis of Wood’s unusual depiction of the Mid-western culture through his works of art. The main focus of the essay is on the â€Å"American Gothic†, initially characterized as a curt depiction of Wood’s mid-western childhood and his European influence, which became a symbol of treasuring the American history. The Victorian paintings, with their symmetry and simplicity, are ironic in the sense that they are general to the viewer but specific to the artist’s history. The author basically claims that Wood caused a revival of the Mid-western history through his different style of painting, his works remaining an icon for generations to come. She greatly stresses on the point that wrong perception of this work of art caused people to believe it is a satire instead of what she really believed it was- a depiction of the mid-western culture in the true sense, basically a national icon. Her essay was also very well researched as shown by her credentials that follow. She is a significantly famous art historian and a recent art professor in Stanford University. Her area of interest has been in the field of American art, cultural traditionalism and revival of art lost through wrong perception. Wood has been one the artists that she has widely analyzed, mainly because of her patriotic nature. For Berger, his views on the importance of perspective aren’t his thesis-but he makes it obvious throughout his essay. The essay shows his apparent approval of photography over portraiture-merely because portraiture leaves too much power in the hands of the artist. For instance he says â€Å"If the portraitist’s intention is to flatter or idealize, he will be able to do so far more convincingly with a painting than with a photograph.†(61, Berger) This clearly leads to the conclusion that a portrait is based on the artist; it is the vision of the artist that impresses us not the subject. Photographs on the other hand have â€Å"the interpretative role of the photographer† (60, Berger) while leaving enough room for the observer to think on their own. Wanda.M.Corn argues in favor of the artists’ perspective throughout her essay. She talks about two basic wrong perceptions about the American Gothic; first â€Å"the painting’s most important sources are European† (81, Corn) and the second being that â€Å"the work is satirical† (82, Corn). She goes on to clearly explain the style of painting that Wood used to prove her point that the work was indeed a representation of the mid western culture-a much worked upon national icon. She talks about how the wrong perception would have lead people to ridicule this piece-taking it as a joke, and hence its essence would have been lost forever. Wood, however has no problems with the people’s different perspectives about his paintings-it is as if he got his share of satisfaction out of just creating those pieces of art. Corn is much more passionate and believes that the artist is also responsible for pursuing his or her work to see it holds its original essence while being judged or viewed. The artist under consideration here is Grant Wood. Corn basically shows an in depth knowledge of his work and history. Wood, initially thought to be influenced by the European culture, was in fact celebrating the Mid-Western history through the American Gothic. He was influenced by a Victorian style house that he had seen in western America. Then he got his dentist and his sister to dress up in the appropriate mid-western clothes and pose as father and daughter. Here again, Corn’s idea comes into play. The artist had intended to portray the two as father and daughter but people ended up perceiving them as husband and wife. This perception has stuck thereon. However, Wood made no effort to correct people. It was those who analyzed him, like Corn that went into the details and figured out the reality. Wood would have been appreciated by Berger. Berger believes an artist should leave room for others to form a view point about his artwork, which is exactly what Wood does in this c ase. This also leads us into a discussion of art forms and how certain art forms are more susceptible to perception than others. For instance if a person draws a simple object like a ball, there really isn’t a wide spread case of perception that would be linked to it. A ball is a ball after all. But if an artist draws a ball amongst a pattern of lines or scenery in the background, observers might be able to form an idea about what the artist was trying to portray. Therefore, modern and contemporary art is more likely to draw different conclusions than figure drawing or fine arts. Berger appears to be more in favor of modern or conclusion-drawing art. He even takes portraiture, which is an elaborate form of real life drawing, and explains how everyone is supposed to draw the same conclusion from it. Artists try to include their own perspective in it but they make sure that the result is much unified so that the conclusion obtained would be very much the same. That is why Berger is a gainst portraiture and more in favor of photography-a more modern form of art. Corn on the other hand, would be against modern art because it would allow the observers to massacre the artist’s painting by forming an idea completely different to that intended by the artist. Perception is very important-and it is lack of insight that leads to loss of individuality. After all if everyone thought about everything in the same way, there really would be no need for the population that the world supports today. This is what Berger makes apparent. Portraits, although great works of art, did not truly leave a sense of perception to the viewer. They were very conclusive from the artists’ point of view. Corn’s point with American Gothic, though well proved, is very subjective. It works in a way for the American Gothic, but not for most other pieces of art. Plus the lack of interest that Wood has in this claim leads me to believe that maybe even artists believe that the perception should be left up to the viewer. After their work of art is complete, they have accomplished their task. The rest is up to the one who looks at it. After all if we weren’t making art for the observer and his perspective, who would, we be making it for? Then again som e might â€Å"perceive† art to have no purpose at all! â€Å"Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things.† - Miyamoto Musashi Research Papers on Perception - An analytic comparison of Corn and BergerHip-Hop is ArtAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBringing Democracy to AfricaRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesCapital Punishment

Monday, October 21, 2019

Resistance of bacterial to antimicrobial agents The WritePass Journal

Resistance of bacterial to antimicrobial agents Introduction Resistance of bacterial to antimicrobial agents IntroductionBeta- lactamase  Mutation at the target sitesEnzymatic modification Efflux of antibiotics from the cell by pumpAcquired Resistance by alternate metabolic pathwaysTreatment of superbugsConclusion  ReferenceRelated Introduction Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global problem in the treatment of bacterial infection. Bacterial resistance is a mechanism by which bacterial are able to overcome antibiotic meant to destroy or kill them, these bacterial multiply to cause disease in humans figure 1 (Patrick, 2003) Figure1 the non antimicrobial resistance and non antimicrobial resistance Although the most resistant bacterium can be inhibited or destroyed by using a high concentration of antibiotic, subjects on the other hand may not be able to bear the high concentration of antibacterial agents that may be required treat some bacterial infection or disease.   Bacterial species differ in their susceptibility to an antibiotic or antibiotics.   For instance some strains of Streptococcus pneumonia in Britain are inhibited by 0.01mg/l of benzyl penicillin thus the minimum inhibitory concentration, and that of Escherichia coli, a dose 32-64mg/l is needed to inhibit the growth or kill the bacterial but this becomes highly toxic to the human body cannot manage. This opens the view of clinical resistance, which is based on the on effect antibiotics on humans and misuse of antibiotics. Clinical resistance is therefore a process by which the type of infecting pathogenic bacterium, its point of attachment in the body, the distribution of antimicrobial in the body, its concen tration at site of infection and the immune status of the subject interact(Gerard,2011). Bacterium uses enzymes, efflux pump, gene, helix ring as well as plasmid to defend itself or to develop resistant to antibiotics. (figure2) Figure 2 structure of a resistant bacterium Beta- lactamase Beta-lactams are of copies penicillin, a large group of antibiotics that are made up of all the antibiotic agents with a four ring in their molecular structure. The bacterial cell wall serves as a protective tool for the bacterial against any foreign substances such as antibacterial agents, from entering inside the bacterial to destroy its internal protective structures. The beta-lactam antibiotic works by blocking the cell wall synthesis of the bacterial. Douglas (2002), but bacterial develop resistance to beta lactam by attacking the four ring structure shown in blue in figure of the beta-lactam through an enzymatic reactions (figure1). Bacterial produce beta lactamase enzyme to breaks the beta-lactam ring of the antibiotic and makes the antibiotic ineffective to block the bacterial cell wall synthesis and hence a resistance to the antibiotic (Miller et al., 2004). Figure3 structure of beta-lactam (   Mutation at the target sites Some antibiotics such as Streptomycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 16SrRNA and blocks the   function of the ribosome but   bacterial changes the 16SrRNA gene and limit the attraction of streptomycin to the 16S molecule bacterial mutate and acquire a new DNA. In imipenem resistant, Pseudomonosa aerugeninosa, lack the specific D2 porin and imipenem cannot break through the cell. Changing the main site of action may change the drug target in that antibiotic may enter the cell but may miss the target and may not be able to bind, the antibiotic may not be metabolised. This makes the antibiotic inactive in the bacteria and as result the bacterial develop tolerance (Springer et al., 2001). Enzymatic modification Ciprofloxacin act together with an enzyme gyrase to block its enzymatic action.   An alteration in each the gene that is gyraseA or gyraseB would change the molecular arrangement of the gyrase and as such limit the binding affinity of the enzyme for ciprofloxacin. It therefore prevents the antibiotic from blocking the gyrase and this process enables the bacteria cell more resistant to the antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) (Gerard, 2005) Efflux of antibiotics from the cell by pump Other bacterial such as the Escherichia coli create a multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) outflow pump gives the bacterial with resistance to antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycin or nalidic acid.   The pump drives out the antibiotic from the cytoplasm of the bacterial cell and allows the bacterial to maintain the intracellular levels below the toxic or lethal concentration  Ã‚   The MAR pump is made of proteins MarA and MarB, whose production is blocked by the controlling protein Mar. Poole (2000) These changes get rid of the suppression control of Mar and leads to much production of the Mar A and B efflux pump. The bacterial cell wall is able to get rid of higher concentrations of antimicrobial agents and as such become resistant to the antibiotic (Cohen et al., 1988). Acquired Resistance by alternate metabolic pathways Resistance in bacteria may be acquired when a bacterium is been exposed to antibiotic for a long period of time for example vancomycin resistance in Escherichia coli. This may be by mutation or by gaining a new DNA. Plasmids are copying pieces portion of DNA, slighter than the bacteria genome which programme their transfer by copying into another bacterial strain. These bacteria may then carry and transfer resistance gene which as part of the DNA.Viruses that infects bacterial bacteriophages can pass on resistance, especially in staphylococcus, DNA is released when bacterial dead bacterial is taken up by a viable bacterial and this is possibly route for the spread of penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumonia. Bacterial possesses range of biochemical genetic systems for warranting the progression and diffusion of antibiotic resistance. Genes can appear by rapid transformation (Penrose, 1998). ‘Superbugs’ are used to describe a bacterium or microorganism that is able to resistant more than one or more commonly used antibiotics. Bacteria resistance to antibiotics are grouped according to the type of antimicrobial agent that they resist. The most common groups are: MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant to mithescilin ) VRE (Entrococcus species resistant to vancomycin);   these type of bacteria live in the bowel   and usually cause infection such as pneumonia, heart or wound in subjects with weak immune system or subjects with chronic disease such as diabetes. PRSP (Streptococcus pneumoniae strains resistant to penicillin); ESBLs (Escherichia coli and other Gram-negative bacteria resistant to cephalosporin and Monobactams) (Gerard, 2011) Treatment of superbugs MRSA is a type of Staphylococcus aureus has develops a resistant to antibacterial activity of methicillin and the other penicillins Staphylococcus aureus may cause infection in the blood or on the skin disease such. Vancomycin is a glycopeptide that is effective for the treatment of MRSA. It is hard and large molecule that blocks the last step of bacterial cell wall synthesis through hydrogen bonds with D-alanyl-D-alamine end of the peptodoglycan (PDG) side chains(Reynolds,1989)). Subjects infected with   MRSA are treated with   vancomycin but very painful through the intramuscular route and a rapid administration into the veins may cause an allergic reaction called the red-man syndrome, therefore a   slow infusion   of 50mk/kg is given two times daily for 7 days.   Daptomycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic that has been approved by the American food and drug Administration for the treatment of MRSA, VRE and PSBP. It binds irreversibly to the bacteria cell membrane and depo larise it and more Potassium ions move out of the cell to create an inbalance of the ion-concentration gradient.   Currently, Daptomycin shows no cross-resistance. A dose of 4-6mg/kg is administered once daily for 7 days. It is not metabolised in the liver. Daptomycin interacts with the HMG-6A reductase inhibitors such as statin. Nausea, constipation and headache are the main side effects associated with the use of Daptomycin. Quinupristin was well used in the year 2000 for the treatment of hospital acquired infection. Quinupristin main function was to interfere with both the early and the last phase of bacterial protein synthesis but the major problem was that it has to required slow infusion for a large volume fluid just as vancomycin   and as such could only be used for inpatients   subjects(Despoina and Jordi,2006)). Dancer, an oral Streptogramin has been was developed and out 53 subjects 39 were successfully cured of MRSA infection. A new glycopeptide, MDL63246 with a sim ilar mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics as vancomycin is under early stages of development and would be more effective at lower dosages than vancomycin and less side effects. (Franz-Joseph and Mark, 1997) A new approach for VRE treatment is the blocking of oxazoliddines from flowing out of the bacterial cell and broad spectrum pumps of Gram negative bacterial is being studied for future treatment of VRE. (Livermore, 2003).Linezolid belongs to the oxazolinones class of antibiotics and it binds to the 50S ribosomal segment and blocks bacterial protein synthesis. can be administered intravenously or orally .Through the oral administration, a subject is given 600mg two times daily for 10-14 days and 600mg 30-120 minutes twice   daily for one week for intravenous route. Moxifloxacin is a drug of choice for the treatment of PRSP It work by inhibiting DNA synthesis by enhancing cleavage of DNA of the bacterial DNA enzyme complex of the DNA gyrase and type IV topoisomerase figure. The dose regime is based on the type of infection, for the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis a 400mg of Moxifloxacin is given daily for 10 days and 400mg daily dose of Moxifloxacin for 7-14 days is used treat community acquired pneumonia by Streptococcus sp. Figure3 the mechanism of action of Fluoroquinolones (www.mecriticalcare,net/downloads/Dcourse/AntimicrobialAgents Tigecycline is currently used to treat ESBPLs treat Gram negative enteric rod such as E. coli and Gram negative bacilli such as the Pseudomonas spp. Tigecycline interfere with the bacterial protein synthesis by attaching to the 30S of the ribosomal subunit and this 100mg load dose is given initially and 50mg subsequent dose of every 12 hours is administered for seven days (figure3). (Wunderink et al., 2003) Figure3 Tigecycline binding to Ribosome 30S subunit    Conclusion Bacteria or microbes are constantly reproducing at a faster and becoming resistant to antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial resistance is a global crisis new and more potent antibiotics would have to be developed to overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance. Identification of natural products and knowing their biosynthesis from the bacterial source would enable scientist to find well defined antibiotic structures to that could kill or destroy all kinds of bacterial. Scientist may target ribose DNA, RNA or the peptodoglycan.   Reference Brumfit, W.and Hamilton-Miller, J. (1989)   Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. N Eng J Med 320:1188-1196 Cohen, S.P., McMurry, L.M. and Levy, S.B. (1988) marA locus causes decreased expression of OmpF porin in multiple-antibiotic-resistant (Mar) mutants of Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology 170:5416-5422 Despoina, K.and Jordi, R. (2006) Hospital –acquired pneumonia in the 21st century: a review of existing treatment options and their impact on patient care. Expert Opin.Pharmacother 7 🙠 12) 1555-1569 Douglas, N.F. (2002)   Extended-Interval Dosing of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics in critically ill patients. Journal of Pharmacy Practice15:85-95 Franz-Joseph, S.and Mark, E.J. (1997) Antibiotics for treatment of infections caused by MRSA and elimination of MRSA carriage: What are the choices? International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 9:1-19 Gerald, D.W. (2005)   Bacterial resistance to antibiotics: Enzymatic degradation and of   modification. Advance Drug Delivery Reviews 57:1451-1470 Gerald, D.W. (2011)   Molecular mechanism of antibiotic resistance. Chem.Commun. 47:4055-4061 Livermore, D.M. (2003) Linezolid in vitro mechanism and Antimicrobial spectrum. Journal of Antimicrobial chemotherapy 51:9-16 Miller,C.,Thomsen,C.G.,Mosseri,H.I. and Cohen,S.N.(2004)   SOS response induction by ÃŽ ²-lactams and bacterial defence against antibiotic lethality. Science 305:1629-1631 Patrick, F.M.D (2003) Antimicrobials: Modes of Action and mechanism of resistance. International Journal of Toxicology 22:135-143 Penrose, E. (1998)   Bacterial resistance to antibiotics-a case of unnatural selection. Creation research Society Quarterly 35:76-83 Peter, N.B. and Morris, J.B (2008) Clinical Pharmacology.edn 10.Churchil Poole, K.(2000) Efflux-mediated resistance to Floroquinolones in-gram-negative bacteria. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 44:2877-3884 Reynolds, P.E. (1989)   Structure, biochemistry and mechanism of action of glycopeptide antibiotics.EurJ.clin Micr infection.Dis 8:943-950 SpringerB.,Kidan,Y.P.,Prammananan,K.E.,Bottger,E.C. and Sander,P.(2001)   Mechanism of streptomycin resistance: selection of mutation in the 16S rRNA gene conferring resistance . Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 45:2877-2884 ww www.mecriticalcare,net/downloads/Dcourse/AntimicrobialAgents

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Best eBook Template to Generate More Subscribers (With Easy Ideas)

The Best eBook Template to Generate More Subscribers (With Easy Ideas) As  a marketer, you’re creating a lot of content, and you want that content to generate subscribers. To generate those subscribers, you need to create content upgrades  your audience is chomping at the bit to download. You also know that giving away free ebooks as a content upgrade is a great way to generate more subscribers. Why? Because ebooks provide a ton of value which can convince your customers to give up their email address. At , we’ve generated as many as 2,625 new email subscribers from an ebook following the process you’re about to learn. But are ebooks worth the effort to build? Absolutely! And with the right template and outline, creating an ebook can be easy. This post will walk you through the nine steps you need to take to create and write an ebook effectively. Plus we’ve included three templates, so all you have to do is fill the text and turn it into a PDF. There’s no need for a designer. So you can throw the excuses of not having time to write an ebook out the window, and create content that generates subscribers and subsequently helps you grow your customer base. The Best eBook Template That Will Help You Generate More Subscribers In 9 Easy StepsDownload Your Ebook Template Bundle (Word + PowerPoint) Download your ebook template bundle to create ebooks at the drop of a hat quickly. Inside you’ll find: eBook outline template:  This template will help you format your thoughts and ideas before you start writing so you can stay on track. PowerPoint eBook template:  This PowerPoint ebook template will let you quickly customize and format your ebook so all you have to do is hit publish. Word  eBook template: This word template is another way for you to format, customize, and create your ebook. With these three templates, you won’t even need a designer to help you wrap up your ebook. You can do it all yourself. Grab this free #ebook template bundle from @to build your brand's authorityWhat Is An Ebook? For marketing purposes, an ebook is a brief book on a specific topic that is available in a downloadable format such as PDF, .mobi (to read on Amazon Kindle), and .epub (to read on Barnes and Noble Nook and other e-readers). These ebooks provide a variety of benefits for marketers, including: Generating subscribers Allowing you to reuse content you’ve previously written Telling a comprehensive story Getting your content on more  channels Ebooks provide something of value for customers while capturing information for the marketers who create them. Why Are Ebooks So Important For Marketers? Ebooks allow marketers to dive into a topic and teach their audience about it. The fact of the matter is blog posts sometimes can't be long enough to cover an entire topic, and if a topic is complicated, it can be challenging to cover in one post. By creating ebooks, marketers can target their audience and build content upgrades  that provide additional value for their readers. By ensuring that value, customers are then willing to share valuable information in return (ie. their email address). 9 Steps To Creating Your Own Ebook Writing an ebook can be easy as long as you plan. Because these books are a bit lengthier than your average blog post, it can be easy to get off track. However, by using this nine-step process, you’ll be able to, as we say at , plan your work, then work your plan. Here's how to create the perfect ebook for your business in nine steps.Step One: Choose Your Topic The first step in creating your ebook is to choose a topic. These topics should be something that your audience wants to learn more about. What questions do they have that you want your ebook to be able to answer? Now, you may already know the topics that your audience is interested in. If you don’t, you can use some necessary SEO keyword research skills to find out what your audience is interested in. So let’s say for example, that your audience is interested in gardening. To find a specific topic that your audience is interested in, open a tool like Moz  or Ahrefs  and type your subject into the search bar: From there, you’ll see a related list of keywords that match the topic you first entered. In the case of our example, our marketer might want to write an ebook on gardening tools, since it appears in list: If you don’t want to use keywords to determine your ebook topics, you could also pose a question to a Facebook group (if your brand has one) and ask what your audience wants to see directly. You could also create a survey using tools like Survey Monkey  or PollDaddy  and send it directly to your audience via email. Some questions you could ask your audience are: What are topics in our [industry] that you would be interested in learning about? What problems are you currently facing? What are the biggest problems your team is facing? Once you have determined what topic you want to cover, record it in your ebook outline template: Recommended Reading: How To Create Content That Ranks For 11,000+ Keywords With Julia McCoy From Express Writers [AMP 057] 4 Simple Brainstorming Techniques That Will Help You Write Killer Content This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Step Two: Create Your Title Once you have your topic decided, you need to figure out what major subtopics you want to cover in your book. These subtopics should help you zero in on the angle you want your ebook to cover. By zeroing in on an angle, you can avoid rambling to fill space. So let’s go back to our gardening example. The angles our example ebook could have may revolve around: Basic gardening tools list Kid-friendly gardening tools Ten types of gardening tools Best gardening tools List out potential angles for your book in your outline template: So for this example, our angle could be how to choose kid-friendly gardening tools. Once you have your angle figured out, you can create your title. Your title should answer a question your audience has about the subject to spark your audience’s  curiosity. Here are five fill-in-the-blank ebook headline templates you can use to get started. How To Do [Subject of ebook] in [Number] of Steps The Ultimate Guide to [Subject of ebook] How To [Subject of ebook] like a pro. The Beginners Guide to [Subject of ebook]. How to [Subject of ebook] to [benefit of reading your ebook]. Write out ten possible titles in your outline and choose the one that fits the angle you want to cover the best. Recommended Reading: Here Are The 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438% 43 Data-Driven Headline Ideas From 1,000 Of The Most Popular Posts ’s Headline Analyzer Step Three: Outline Your Chapters And Write Your Headers And Subheaders Once your title is decided,  you can move on to writing your ebook right? Not exactly. Before you jump into filling the pages of your ebook with the information,  outline your chapters and write your subheaders. This is an essential step in your ebook creation process because it will allow you to decide the order you want to share your information in. Plus it can help you avoid rambling. Remember,  this ebook is not your end all be all, magnum opus of your marketing career. Only include as much information as you need to thoroughly teach your reader about a topic. That means your ebook could have three chapters in it or seven. It needs to be as long as it needs to be to cover your topic and angle comprehensively. But no further. This is also why it is so important to have your angle figured out before you start writing. One way to do this is to create a mind map and highlight which portions of a topic you want to cover. Here’s an example of what a mind  map could look like: Let’s say our subtopic was finding the kid-friendly gardening tools for the job. After going through all of our research,  the team decides  this ebook is going to be broken into five  chapters. Our example gardening ebook could have the following chapters: Why having the right tools is so important for kid gardeners. Choosing your kid-friendly planting tools. Choosing your kid-friendly watering tools. Choosing your kid-friendly weeding tools. Choosing your kid-friendly harvesting or collection tools. Fill in your chapter titles in your template: Once you have your chapters outlined,  you can create the headers and subheaders within each one. These headers will help guide your reader and allow them to skim through and find information on the topic they  are looking for. One of our own writers,  Jordan Loftis, suggests creating your headers and subheaders as questions you want to answer in this chapter of your ebook. Now let’s say you don’t know questions your audience may have, how can you figure out what they are? You can send another survey or include questions in your initial survey that ask your audience what they want to learn about your potential ebook topic. Include open-ended questions like: What are five things you’d like to know about [subject]? What information do you need in order to solve [problem]? What do you already know about [subject]? Where have you already looked for information on [subject]? In the first chapter of our gardening ebook, some example header and subheader questions that your audience may want answers to could be: What types of kids gardening tools are there? What is a list of gardening tools that are safe for my kids? Where can I find the best gardening tools for my kids? How can I tell what a good tool for young children is vs. a bad one? What is the proper way to organize and store my kids tools so they last? Take those questions and format them into statements that become your headers. Once you have your chapters and headers worked out, you can transfer them into one of the ebook templates you downloaded earlier. Step Four: Write Each Chapter Now that you have your outline, you can start writing. For some, this can be nerve-wracking and cause writers to stare at a blinking cursor for hours on end, but not you. You have your outline to follow, so you know exactly what you want to write about. Even though your chapters and headers are in statement form, use the question-style headers you came up with earlier to guide your writing. Think of it like interviewing yourself; your reader has a question, and you are the expert with all the knowledge they need. As a blog writer, I find that writing for shorter periods of time helps me knock out blog posts as quickly as possible. So as you write  your ebook, try the following: Find someplace quiet. Turn off your phone. Turn off your computer notifications. Grab a glass of water. If you want to listen to music, try something without words. (Spotify’s Deep Focus playlist is a great option). At this point, you could also recycle your blog posts  and use that information in your ebook. Once you’re ready, add your written content to your ebook template. Once your chapters are written (but not edited), you can move on to drafting your foreword, introduction, and conclusion. Your foreword should explain to your reader why they would want to read this ebook. It should answer the question,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Why should I (an audience member) read this book? What’s in it for me?† For our gardening ebook example, the foreword would address how we always want kids to be able to help in the garden but sometimes they can cause a mess instead of being helpful. The benefit to them is that they will be able to find the right tools to choose for their kids. Your introduction should summarize what they are going to learn reading this ebook. You should explain to your audience what they are going to learn and why they should care. In our example, this book will teach readers how to choose the right tools that will allow their kids to learn about gardening, but not cause a giant mess in the process. And your conclusion should summarize what they have learned from reading this ebook.  It should tell your reader what they’ve learned and how this will benefit them. At the end of our example gardening book, they should know what tools are great for kids who want to garden and how to properly store them to get as much use out of them as possible. Step Five: Edit and Format Your Ebook At this point, you should have a rough draft of your ebook template. Now you need to edit your draft. There are two steps to your editing process. The first one is editing for spelling and grammar. This is the point where you need to make sure you used the proper form of there  vs. they are  or that you added commas in the right places. Editing tools like Grammarly  or Hemmingway  may help you out here, but don’t solely rely on them to catch every error. Nothing beats a set of human eyes reviewing your content. Once your spelling and grammar check is complete, you can move on to line editing your ebook. Line editing is the process that allows you to ensure that your content is easy to read and you’ve thoroughly covered your topic. Taking a break in between your spelling and grammar check before you read your ebook is essential. You can line edit by reading your ebook draft line for line, or you can read it out loud. When you’ve completed your line edits and you know your content is error-free, you can move on to formatting the text in your ebook. Catherine Howard suggests  you do three things when formatting your ebook: Forget about page numbers. Remove all your indents or tabs. Avoid having a three or four line gap between your writing. The last step in your editing and formatting process is to call out quotes and statistics that you want to call to your reader’s attention. You can do this by blocking the text or changing the color: It’s important to remember that ebooks are displayed across a variety of different formats (PDF, .mobi, and .epub, for example) which means that how the book looks will be different in each one. Best practice here suggests writing your ebook in Microsoft Word and use word styles. This video walks you through how to format your ebook: If you choose to format your ebook for formats beyond the traditional PDF (which you can export from your Word ebook template that complements this blog post), the free tool Calibre will help you export your Word file into .mobi and .epub. This post  walks you through that process step by step. If you choose to do this, you may opt to provide your subscribers all three versions in a zip file so they can choose their optimal reading experience (PDF, Kindle, or Nook). Step Six: Create Graphics And Other Design Elements The next step in your process is to create any graphics or other design elements that you want to add to your ebook. Remember that graphics should not be added to your ebook at random;  they should always be used to enhance your readers understanding of the concept. If you don’t have a designer at hand,  tools like Canva  or Piktochart  can be a great place to create your graphics. If you just want to add images to your ebook, sites like Unsplash  or  are great places to find free stock photographs. Once you have graphics designed, you can add them to your ebook. Recommended Reading: How To Make The Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory The Know It All Guide To Color Psychology In Marketing + The Best Hex Chart How To Make An Infographic In 7 Easy Steps Step Seven: Build The Landing Page That Will Host Your Ebook Ebooks can be hosted in a variety of formats to attract subscribers including blog posts, emails, and landing pages. You don’t have to host your ebook on a landing page, but it can be a great place to direct your audience with little effort. Plus, you don’t have to worry about your ebook becoming buried in an out-of-date blog post. As a marketer, building a landing page can get complicated, especially if you don’t know how to code. That’s why tools like Unbounce  or LeadPages  are great options that allow marketers to easily create their own landing pages without knowing directly how to code. Just start on a site and choose a template to build from. Both LeadPages  and Unbounce  have models created explicitly for ebooks. These tools also help you host the ebook file itself, so once a subscriber gives you their email address, the page will automatically deliver the ebook. Simply select your template and start designing. Then follow the instructions from the respective tool to launch your landing page. Once your landing page is complete, it should look something like this: Some tips to keep in mind as you draft copy for the ebook landing page: Look to the information in your foreword for inspiration. Your goal is to convince visitors they need the ebook to solve a specific pain†¦ and to solve that pain, they simply need to give you their email address. Make them feel like they’re missing out if they don’t download the ebook. Others who downloaded the ebook already have experienced amazing results because of it†¦ right? Include testimonials, write copy that appeals to the fear of missing out, and reiterate that their life could be so much better if they simply downloaded the ebook. Recommended Reading: How to Write Landing Pages That Will Boost Your Conversions Step Eight: Add Calls To Action  Into Your Landing Page Once you have your book formatted and your landing page built, you can move on to adding your CTAs (call to action). The primary purpose of creating your ebook is to generate subscribers,  so you want as many people as possible to download your book. Creating the right CTA is essential to making that happen. CTAs should ask your reader to do something: Writing a great CTA is easy, you just need to tell your audience what they are going to get in exchange. According to Crazy Egg, there are six characteristics of a high-performing CTA button. They are: That your CTA is a clickable button. They have a compelling copy that takes action-oriented approach. They are placed logically on your page. They are a contrasting color from your page. They are close to the previous action your customer has taken. I.e., if they filled out a form, the CTA button would be right underneath it. They don’t compete with other things on your web page. Here are 54 words and phrases you can use in your CTAs: You can even create multiple CTAs, and A/B test  (which both Leadpages and Unbounce allow you to do) them to find which ones work best for your audience. Recommended Reading: How To Write A Call To Action In A Template With 6 Examples Step Nine: Promote Your Ebook The last step in your ebook creation process should be to promote it. The likelihood of someone randomly stumbling on to your landing page and finding your ebook is a little too close to the â€Å"hope is a strategy† approach,  so you need to give it a boost. There are a few different ways you can do this. Email Campaigns One way that you can promote your ebook is through an email campaign. Set up a series of emails that go out to your general list or a list of people who you think would be interested in downloading your ebook. Recommended Reading: What Are Good Email Click-Through Rates? We Share Our Data With You. The Complete, 4-Step Email List Building Strategy That Will Make You Successful Create a specific CTA for your emails and draft your content ahead of time. You can add tracking links (via that lead to your landing page so you can see how many of your email subscribers have clicked the link and downloaded your ebook. However, you can create the most compelling copy in the world but that won’t mean anything if your audience doesn’t see it. Which is why you need to send your email at the best time. Once your email is sent, track opens, clicks to your links as well as downloads of your ebook. Your email tracking data should be stored within your email service provider. For a project of this magnitude, ’s Head of Marketing Demand Generation, Nathan Ellering, suggests sending at least three emails to your existing subscribers over the course of three weeks. Social Media Campaigns Another way to promote your ebook to your followers is through a social media campaign. Social campaigns are an easy way to promote your content directly to your audience. How do you know how often to promote your ebook on each of your social media channels? Here is an infographic on the best publishing schedule for your ebook landing page: Using this promotion schedule will make it easy to maximize the reach of your content and get it in front of as many eyes as possible. Make Project Managing These 9 Steps a Cinch When you're releasing an eBook, it takes a lot of hands to make it come to life. You'll need: Writing. Editing. Design. Social media promo. Email promo. A landing page. makes it easy to manage all the moving parts of your marketing projects. With the Kanban dashboard, you can create custom project workflows so you can easily see exactly what stage your eBook is in. Here's how it works... First, navigate to the "project view" in your left-hand menu. From here, you can see what phase your eBook is in. Ready to move it from design to promo? No prob – just drag and drop. Keep that eBook project moving forward by focusing on the crucial steps. Everyone on your team is in the loop – which means fewer meetings and more time to get work done. Now, Let's Talk Topic Ideas This can often be the most difficult part of writing an eBook. Trying to figure out a topic that hasn't been already talked about to death is no easy feat. Here are 5 easy ways to compile your eBook. Repurpose Blog Posts As mentioned earlier, chances are you've got an eBook goldmine sitting right under your nose and you don't even realize it. One of the easiest ways to get your eBook going is to stitch together several of your blog posts to create an ultimate how-to eBook. Say you've got a bunch of posts about marketing automation... Create an "Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation eBook" where relevant blog posts are fused together in a coherent way. You can re-write the content so it's different, without having to re-invent the wheel. 5 easy ways to write an eBook... plus a free eBook template.Conduct Some Original Research Who doesn't love a good statistic? Conducting original research is something more and more marketers are engaging in. It allows them to bring something unique to the table. Here's a stat from some original research, about original research: 37% of  B2B  and 20% of  B2C  marketers are using original research for content marketing purposes. This option is more time heavy on the front-end, but your efforts will be rewarded. For starters, one epic piece of content can drive your entire content strategy for the whole year. You can spin off micro, industry-specific reports; chop up infographics for social media content; use the data for talking points and presentations; the list goes on. Secondly, original research offers a great carrot for gated content and can be a lead magnet. Lastly, original research is one of the best ways to get backlinks. A study from SEO PowerSuite found that original research is the best way to get backlinks to your site. Compile Influencer Opinions Reach out to the big names in your industry and ask them for an interview on a specific topic. These interviews can be aggregated into an eBook to provide readers with exclusive insights from the best in the business. Not sure what to ask? Start with comments on any topics that have changed the industry recently; the challenges they face in their roles and how they have overcome those challenges; etc. Template Kit Why tell someone how to do something when you can show them. People love templates because they save a ton of time. Going back to our marketing automation example – you could produce an eBook containing 35 (or whatever number you like) marketing automation workflows, to make every marketer's life a lot easier. There are tons of directions you could take this... The "Everything You Need to Know About Essential Oils" Kit The Busy Parent's Cloth Diapering Kit The 2019 Content Planning Kit Etc. Share Your Knowledge With The World And Create An Amazing Ebook Now that you have your ebook templates and a strategy to create killer content,  you can start attracting new subscribers. The main problem that will hinder your success is your ability to be organized. Learn more about how can help you get and stay organized  (plus a lot more). Do you have your own ebook template? Share it with us in the comments. The Best eBook Template to Generate More Subscribers (With Easy Ideas) As  a marketer, you’re creating a lot of content, and you want that content to generate subscribers. To generate those subscribers, you need to create content upgrades  your audience is chomping at the bit to download. You also know that giving away free ebooks as a content upgrade is a great way to generate more subscribers. Why? Because ebooks provide a ton of value which can convince your customers to give up their email address. At , we’ve generated as many as 2,625 new email subscribers from an ebook following the process you’re about to learn. But are ebooks worth the effort to build? Absolutely! And with the right template and outline, creating an ebook can be easy. This post will walk you through the nine steps you need to take to create and write an ebook effectively. Plus we’ve included three templates, so all you have to do is fill the text and turn it into a PDF. There’s no need for a designer. So you can throw the excuses of not having time to write an ebook out the window, and create content that generates subscribers and subsequently helps you grow your customer base. The Best eBook Template That Will Help You Generate More Subscribers In 9 Easy StepsDownload Your Ebook Template Bundle (Word + PowerPoint) Download your ebook template bundle to create ebooks at the drop of a hat quickly. Inside you’ll find: eBook outline template:  This template will help you format your thoughts and ideas before you start writing so you can stay on track. PowerPoint eBook template:  This PowerPoint ebook template will let you quickly customize and format your ebook so all you have to do is hit publish. Word  eBook template: This word template is another way for you to format, customize, and create your ebook. With these three templates, you won’t even need a designer to help you wrap up your ebook. You can do it all yourself. Grab this free #ebook template bundle from @to build your brand's authorityWhat Is An Ebook? For marketing purposes, an ebook is a brief book on a specific topic that is available in a downloadable format such as PDF, .mobi (to read on Amazon Kindle), and .epub (to read on Barnes and Noble Nook and other e-readers). These ebooks provide a variety of benefits for marketers, including: Generating subscribers Allowing you to reuse content you’ve previously written Telling a comprehensive story Getting your content on more  channels Ebooks provide something of value for customers while capturing information for the marketers who create them. Why Are Ebooks So Important For Marketers? Ebooks allow marketers to dive into a topic and teach their audience about it. The fact of the matter is blog posts sometimes can't be long enough to cover an entire topic, and if a topic is complicated, it can be challenging to cover in one post. By creating ebooks, marketers can target their audience and build content upgrades  that provide additional value for their readers. By ensuring that value, customers are then willing to share valuable information in return (ie. their email address). 9 Steps To Creating Your Own Ebook Writing an ebook can be easy as long as you plan. Because these books are a bit lengthier than your average blog post, it can be easy to get off track. However, by using this nine-step process, you’ll be able to, as we say at , plan your work, then work your plan. Here's how to create the perfect ebook for your business in nine steps.Step One: Choose Your Topic The first step in creating your ebook is to choose a topic. These topics should be something that your audience wants to learn more about. What questions do they have that you want your ebook to be able to answer? Now, you may already know the topics that your audience is interested in. If you don’t, you can use some necessary SEO keyword research skills to find out what your audience is interested in. So let’s say for example, that your audience is interested in gardening. To find a specific topic that your audience is interested in, open a tool like Moz  or Ahrefs  and type your subject into the search bar: From there, you’ll see a related list of keywords that match the topic you first entered. In the case of our example, our marketer might want to write an ebook on gardening tools, since it appears in list: If you don’t want to use keywords to determine your ebook topics, you could also pose a question to a Facebook group (if your brand has one) and ask what your audience wants to see directly. You could also create a survey using tools like Survey Monkey  or PollDaddy  and send it directly to your audience via email. Some questions you could ask your audience are: What are topics in our [industry] that you would be interested in learning about? What problems are you currently facing? What are the biggest problems your team is facing? Once you have determined what topic you want to cover, record it in your ebook outline template: Recommended Reading: How To Create Content That Ranks For 11,000+ Keywords With Julia McCoy From Express Writers [AMP 057] 4 Simple Brainstorming Techniques That Will Help You Write Killer Content This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Step Two: Create Your Title Once you have your topic decided, you need to figure out what major subtopics you want to cover in your book. These subtopics should help you zero in on the angle you want your ebook to cover. By zeroing in on an angle, you can avoid rambling to fill space. So let’s go back to our gardening example. The angles our example ebook could have may revolve around: Basic gardening tools list Kid-friendly gardening tools Ten types of gardening tools Best gardening tools List out potential angles for your book in your outline template: So for this example, our angle could be how to choose kid-friendly gardening tools. Once you have your angle figured out, you can create your title. Your title should answer a question your audience has about the subject to spark your audience’s  curiosity. Here are five fill-in-the-blank ebook headline templates you can use to get started. How To Do [Subject of ebook] in [Number] of Steps The Ultimate Guide to [Subject of ebook] How To [Subject of ebook] like a pro. The Beginners Guide to [Subject of ebook]. How to [Subject of ebook] to [benefit of reading your ebook]. Write out ten possible titles in your outline and choose the one that fits the angle you want to cover the best. Recommended Reading: Here Are The 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438% 43 Data-Driven Headline Ideas From 1,000 Of The Most Popular Posts ’s Headline Analyzer Step Three: Outline Your Chapters And Write Your Headers And Subheaders Once your title is decided,  you can move on to writing your ebook right? Not exactly. Before you jump into filling the pages of your ebook with the information,  outline your chapters and write your subheaders. This is an essential step in your ebook creation process because it will allow you to decide the order you want to share your information in. Plus it can help you avoid rambling. Remember,  this ebook is not your end all be all, magnum opus of your marketing career. Only include as much information as you need to thoroughly teach your reader about a topic. That means your ebook could have three chapters in it or seven. It needs to be as long as it needs to be to cover your topic and angle comprehensively. But no further. This is also why it is so important to have your angle figured out before you start writing. One way to do this is to create a mind map and highlight which portions of a topic you want to cover. Here’s an example of what a mind  map could look like: Let’s say our subtopic was finding the kid-friendly gardening tools for the job. After going through all of our research,  the team decides  this ebook is going to be broken into five  chapters. Our example gardening ebook could have the following chapters: Why having the right tools is so important for kid gardeners. Choosing your kid-friendly planting tools. Choosing your kid-friendly watering tools. Choosing your kid-friendly weeding tools. Choosing your kid-friendly harvesting or collection tools. Fill in your chapter titles in your template: Once you have your chapters outlined,  you can create the headers and subheaders within each one. These headers will help guide your reader and allow them to skim through and find information on the topic they  are looking for. One of our own writers,  Jordan Loftis, suggests creating your headers and subheaders as questions you want to answer in this chapter of your ebook. Now let’s say you don’t know questions your audience may have, how can you figure out what they are? You can send another survey or include questions in your initial survey that ask your audience what they want to learn about your potential ebook topic. Include open-ended questions like: What are five things you’d like to know about [subject]? What information do you need in order to solve [problem]? What do you already know about [subject]? Where have you already looked for information on [subject]? In the first chapter of our gardening ebook, some example header and subheader questions that your audience may want answers to could be: What types of kids gardening tools are there? What is a list of gardening tools that are safe for my kids? Where can I find the best gardening tools for my kids? How can I tell what a good tool for young children is vs. a bad one? What is the proper way to organize and store my kids tools so they last? Take those questions and format them into statements that become your headers. Once you have your chapters and headers worked out, you can transfer them into one of the ebook templates you downloaded earlier. Step Four: Write Each Chapter Now that you have your outline, you can start writing. For some, this can be nerve-wracking and cause writers to stare at a blinking cursor for hours on end, but not you. You have your outline to follow, so you know exactly what you want to write about. Even though your chapters and headers are in statement form, use the question-style headers you came up with earlier to guide your writing. Think of it like interviewing yourself; your reader has a question, and you are the expert with all the knowledge they need. As a blog writer, I find that writing for shorter periods of time helps me knock out blog posts as quickly as possible. So as you write  your ebook, try the following: Find someplace quiet. Turn off your phone. Turn off your computer notifications. Grab a glass of water. If you want to listen to music, try something without words. (Spotify’s Deep Focus playlist is a great option). At this point, you could also recycle your blog posts  and use that information in your ebook. Once you’re ready, add your written content to your ebook template. Once your chapters are written (but not edited), you can move on to drafting your foreword, introduction, and conclusion. Your foreword should explain to your reader why they would want to read this ebook. It should answer the question,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Why should I (an audience member) read this book? What’s in it for me?† For our gardening ebook example, the foreword would address how we always want kids to be able to help in the garden but sometimes they can cause a mess instead of being helpful. The benefit to them is that they will be able to find the right tools to choose for their kids. Your introduction should summarize what they are going to learn reading this ebook. You should explain to your audience what they are going to learn and why they should care. In our example, this book will teach readers how to choose the right tools that will allow their kids to learn about gardening, but not cause a giant mess in the process. And your conclusion should summarize what they have learned from reading this ebook.  It should tell your reader what they’ve learned and how this will benefit them. At the end of our example gardening book, they should know what tools are great for kids who want to garden and how to properly store them to get as much use out of them as possible. Step Five: Edit and Format Your Ebook At this point, you should have a rough draft of your ebook template. Now you need to edit your draft. There are two steps to your editing process. The first one is editing for spelling and grammar. This is the point where you need to make sure you used the proper form of there  vs. they are  or that you added commas in the right places. Editing tools like Grammarly  or Hemmingway  may help you out here, but don’t solely rely on them to catch every error. Nothing beats a set of human eyes reviewing your content. Once your spelling and grammar check is complete, you can move on to line editing your ebook. Line editing is the process that allows you to ensure that your content is easy to read and you’ve thoroughly covered your topic. Taking a break in between your spelling and grammar check before you read your ebook is essential. You can line edit by reading your ebook draft line for line, or you can read it out loud. When you’ve completed your line edits and you know your content is error-free, you can move on to formatting the text in your ebook. Catherine Howard suggests  you do three things when formatting your ebook: Forget about page numbers. Remove all your indents or tabs. Avoid having a three or four line gap between your writing. The last step in your editing and formatting process is to call out quotes and statistics that you want to call to your reader’s attention. You can do this by blocking the text or changing the color: It’s important to remember that ebooks are displayed across a variety of different formats (PDF, .mobi, and .epub, for example) which means that how the book looks will be different in each one. Best practice here suggests writing your ebook in Microsoft Word and use word styles. This video walks you through how to format your ebook: If you choose to format your ebook for formats beyond the traditional PDF (which you can export from your Word ebook template that complements this blog post), the free tool Calibre will help you export your Word file into .mobi and .epub. This post  walks you through that process step by step. If you choose to do this, you may opt to provide your subscribers all three versions in a zip file so they can choose their optimal reading experience (PDF, Kindle, or Nook). Step Six: Create Graphics And Other Design Elements The next step in your process is to create any graphics or other design elements that you want to add to your ebook. Remember that graphics should not be added to your ebook at random;  they should always be used to enhance your readers understanding of the concept. If you don’t have a designer at hand,  tools like Canva  or Piktochart  can be a great place to create your graphics. If you just want to add images to your ebook, sites like Unsplash  or  are great places to find free stock photographs. Once you have graphics designed, you can add them to your ebook. Recommended Reading: How To Make The Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory The Know It All Guide To Color Psychology In Marketing + The Best Hex Chart How To Make An Infographic In 7 Easy Steps Step Seven: Build The Landing Page That Will Host Your Ebook Ebooks can be hosted in a variety of formats to attract subscribers including blog posts, emails, and landing pages. You don’t have to host your ebook on a landing page, but it can be a great place to direct your audience with little effort. Plus, you don’t have to worry about your ebook becoming buried in an out-of-date blog post. As a marketer, building a landing page can get complicated, especially if you don’t know how to code. That’s why tools like Unbounce  or LeadPages  are great options that allow marketers to easily create their own landing pages without knowing directly how to code. Just start on a site and choose a template to build from. Both LeadPages  and Unbounce  have models created explicitly for ebooks. These tools also help you host the ebook file itself, so once a subscriber gives you their email address, the page will automatically deliver the ebook. Simply select your template and start designing. Then follow the instructions from the respective tool to launch your landing page. Once your landing page is complete, it should look something like this: Some tips to keep in mind as you draft copy for the ebook landing page: Look to the information in your foreword for inspiration. Your goal is to convince visitors they need the ebook to solve a specific pain†¦ and to solve that pain, they simply need to give you their email address. Make them feel like they’re missing out if they don’t download the ebook. Others who downloaded the ebook already have experienced amazing results because of it†¦ right? Include testimonials, write copy that appeals to the fear of missing out, and reiterate that their life could be so much better if they simply downloaded the ebook. Recommended Reading: How to Write Landing Pages That Will Boost Your Conversions Step Eight: Add Calls To Action  Into Your Landing Page Once you have your book formatted and your landing page built, you can move on to adding your CTAs (call to action). The primary purpose of creating your ebook is to generate subscribers,  so you want as many people as possible to download your book. Creating the right CTA is essential to making that happen. CTAs should ask your reader to do something: Writing a great CTA is easy, you just need to tell your audience what they are going to get in exchange. According to Crazy Egg, there are six characteristics of a high-performing CTA button. They are: That your CTA is a clickable button. They have a compelling copy that takes action-oriented approach. They are placed logically on your page. They are a contrasting color from your page. They are close to the previous action your customer has taken. I.e., if they filled out a form, the CTA button would be right underneath it. They don’t compete with other things on your web page. Here are 54 words and phrases you can use in your CTAs: You can even create multiple CTAs, and A/B test  (which both Leadpages and Unbounce allow you to do) them to find which ones work best for your audience. Recommended Reading: How To Write A Call To Action In A Template With 6 Examples Step Nine: Promote Your Ebook The last step in your ebook creation process should be to promote it. The likelihood of someone randomly stumbling on to your landing page and finding your ebook is a little too close to the â€Å"hope is a strategy† approach,  so you need to give it a boost. There are a few different ways you can do this. Email Campaigns One way that you can promote your ebook is through an email campaign. Set up a series of emails that go out to your general list or a list of people who you think would be interested in downloading your ebook. Recommended Reading: What Are Good Email Click-Through Rates? We Share Our Data With You. The Complete, 4-Step Email List Building Strategy That Will Make You Successful Create a specific CTA for your emails and draft your content ahead of time. You can add tracking links (via that lead to your landing page so you can see how many of your email subscribers have clicked the link and downloaded your ebook. However, you can create the most compelling copy in the world but that won’t mean anything if your audience doesn’t see it. Which is why you need to send your email at the best time. Once your email is sent, track opens, clicks to your links as well as downloads of your ebook. Your email tracking data should be stored within your email service provider. For a project of this magnitude, ’s Head of Marketing Demand Generation, Nathan Ellering, suggests sending at least three emails to your existing subscribers over the course of three weeks. Social Media Campaigns Another way to promote your ebook to your followers is through a social media campaign. Social campaigns are an easy way to promote your content directly to your audience. How do you know how often to promote your ebook on each of your social media channels? Here is an infographic on the best publishing schedule for your ebook landing page: Using this promotion schedule will make it easy to maximize the reach of your content and get it in front of as many eyes as possible. Make Project Managing These 9 Steps a Cinch When you're releasing an eBook, it takes a lot of hands to make it come to life. You'll need: Writing. Editing. Design. Social media promo. Email promo. A landing page. makes it easy to manage all the moving parts of your marketing projects. With the Kanban dashboard, you can create custom project workflows so you can easily see exactly what stage your eBook is in. Here's how it works... First, navigate to the "project view" in your left-hand menu. From here, you can see what phase your eBook is in. Ready to move it from design to promo? No prob – just drag and drop. Keep that eBook project moving forward by focusing on the crucial steps. Everyone on your team is in the loop – which means fewer meetings and more time to get work done. Now, Let's Talk Topic Ideas This can often be the most difficult part of writing an eBook. Trying to figure out a topic that hasn't been already talked about to death is no easy feat. Here are 5 easy ways to compile your eBook. Repurpose Blog Posts As mentioned earlier, chances are you've got an eBook goldmine sitting right under your nose and you don't even realize it. One of the easiest ways to get your eBook going is to stitch together several of your blog posts to create an ultimate how-to eBook. Say you've got a bunch of posts about marketing automation... Create an "Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation eBook" where relevant blog posts are fused together in a coherent way. You can re-write the content so it's different, without having to re-invent the wheel. 5 easy ways to write an eBook... plus a free eBook template.Conduct Some Original Research Who doesn't love a good statistic? Conducting original research is something more and more marketers are engaging in. It allows them to bring something unique to the table. Here's a stat from some original research, about original research: 37% of  B2B  and 20% of  B2C  marketers are using original research for content marketing purposes. This option is more time heavy on the front-end, but your efforts will be rewarded. For starters, one epic piece of content can drive your entire content strategy for the whole year. You can spin off micro, industry-specific reports; chop up infographics for social media content; use the data for talking points and presentations; the list goes on. Secondly, original research offers a great carrot for gated content and can be a lead magnet. Lastly, original research is one of the best ways to get backlinks. A study from SEO PowerSuite found that original research is the best way to get backlinks to your site. Compile Influencer Opinions Reach out to the big names in your industry and ask them for an interview on a specific topic. These interviews can be aggregated into an eBook to provide readers with exclusive insights from the best in the business. Not sure what to ask? Start with comments on any topics that have changed the industry recently; the challenges they face in their roles and how they have overcome those challenges; etc. Template Kit Why tell someone how to do something when you can show them. People love templates because they save a ton of time. Going back to our marketing automation example – you could produce an eBook containing 35 (or whatever number you like) marketing automation workflows, to make every marketer's life a lot easier. There are tons of directions you could take this... The "Everything You Need to Know About Essential Oils" Kit The Busy Parent's Cloth Diapering Kit The 2019 Content Planning Kit Etc. Share Your Knowledge With The World And Create An Amazing Ebook Now that you have your ebook templates and a strategy to create killer content,  you can start attracting new subscribers. The main problem that will hinder your success is your ability to be organized. Learn more about how can help you get and stay organized  (plus a lot more). Do you have your own ebook template? Share it with us in the comments.